Saturday, June 22, 2024

Leaving Palantir

Most well-known technology companies achieved their initial success by creating a singular breakout product which dominated an emerging category. Each story is different, but the pattern is similar.

But even after twelve years, the uniqueness of Palantir’s story continues to fascinate me – the lack of explicit hierarchy inherent in the company’s design creates a superposition of possible company structures, each only accessible from a different vantage point. And the symbiosis between us and our customers makes untangling what we do from what they do especially challenging.

Studying Palantir has been something of a hobby of mine over this past decade, and over the past few months, as I’ve started to feel my time here coming to an end, I’ve tried my best to distill my reflections down into something transmissible.

In my time here, I’ve been right about many small things, but I was wrong about one big thing – programs, not products or platforms, are the defining concept at the heart of Palantir.

Shrink-wrapped SaaS products may be good businesses, but they are a bad way to shape the world predicated as they are on an end of history worldview which implies that zero-sum optimization and financial engineering, not positive-sum growth and technology development, will be the defining activity of our generation.

Cloud-based computing platforms are also good businesses, but their optimism is indeterminate in nature, with a teleology defined by their users; a platform is a tool, but it has no intrinsic purpose. Great platforms always are always a consequence of successful products, and their value is always defined by the next generation of products built on top of them; they are supporting actors solidifying known patterns into a strong foundation, not prime movers pushing on the ceiling into the unknown.

Programs – living cybernetic systems consisting of data, logic, and action – are the things that Palantir has learned how to build, at extreme cost. Programs are n-of-one entities; instances which are members of a class, but with unique identities, designed to be different and therefore to differentiate. We have collectively built these programs as an output of a tightly integrated business model – our best BD work combines elements of strategy and technical consulting, and our best PD work intentionally blurs the line between traditional software development and a classic services approach.

Producing programs is what Palantir was designed (has evolved?) to do.

But perhaps our work here has an even higher purpose, bordering on the spiritual – to challenge those of us who pursue it, and prepare us for our next adventures. Why did PayPal and General Magic, not Google and Facebook, spawn Silicon Valley mafias? Where are the Snowflake and Databricks founder mafias? Why did my brothers and I work for ABL, Tesla and Palantir, not Boeing, Ford, and Microsoft?

Culture, not technology, may end up being the main thing these institutions end up contributing to the world; people may turn out to be their most enduring legacy.

Palantir has a very special culture – of agency in the face of bureaucracy, of engagement with the world, of curiosity about how things work coupled with an optimistic belief that the future can be better, in concrete and achievable ways, than the present. A community of pragmatists, programmers, and philosophers. It’s a quintessentially American culture that transcends American geography, a melting pot of ideas and people whose whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

We are, and have been for some time, in the early stages of going supernova – spreading this unique culture across the broader industry and society, and I’m excited to join the diaspora.

Since I joined Palantir twelve years ago, there’s never been a bad time to join, and there’s never been a good time to leave; my work here isn’t complete, partially because it isn’t the kind of thing that is completable. The beauty of building a mission-driven company is that even as each campaign ends, the movement itself regroups to focus on the work ahead.

And yet the time has come to leave - to peddle my wares on the open market of late-stage capitalism and sink my teeth into a new challenge. I'm stepping onto the well-trodden path from software to hardware, joining an exquisitely capital-intensive space company and hoping to help them build an integrated hardware + software product strategy, something I've always been fascinated by theoretically; but as they say - in theory, there's no difference between theory in practice, but in practice, there is!

Perhaps I can even bring an ontology into my new board room, and into our new operations centers - the most forward-deployed engineer.


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